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3D Printed Ballet Shoes

Ballet dancers may sometimes give the illusion that what they do is effortless, but that is very wrong. Having bruised and bloody feet is very normal for the athletes. Thanks to Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design graduate, Hadar Neeman, there might be a solution in the future for the discomfort caused by their shoes. She graduated with a degree in product design and wanted to apply 3D printed fabrics to something that’s useful. After seeing the damage to her friend’s feet, Neeman started to look into making a 3D printed ballet shoe. Hadar designed and 3D printed a ballet shoe that she called P-rouette. The shoe features a lightweight lattice structure for both the sole and the insole.


The upper part of the shoe was cut based on a design by Neeman and is placed between the sole and insole during the 3D printing. This way, no glue or stitches are needed to keep it together. The toe of the ballet shoe is 3D printing from a lightweight lattice material. Just like other 3D printed shoes, the P-rouette is customizable so they fit each individual’s foot perfectly. A dancer takes a scan of their feet, and then the scan is used to create a 3D model. Although dancers usually pad their shoes to safeguard against injuries, they still tend to happen. With the P-rouette shoes, they will have extra support as well as a customized fit. They will protect against common injuries and are three times more durable than conventional ballet shoes. 3DShoes.com is looking forward to seeing the response from dancers who get to try out these 3D printed shoes. If there is a way to reduce pain and injury, surely 3D printing is a good method for all types of performance shoes.


Original Article: https://3dprint.com/222120/3d-printed-ballet-shoes/


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1 comment

  • Hello, I am a ballet dancer and I would like to try these out. Please consider me, thank you!


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