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3D Printed Clothes

A fashion student, Danit Peleg has always been drawn to the latest gadgets available. Laser cutting, screen-printing; anything cutting edge catches her attention. So it would come without a surprise that she would be one of the designers to look into 3D printing to make fabric. 3D printing has not only found its way into the footwear industry but the entire fashion industry as well. Peleg created a full line of 3D printed clothing from her living room using the elastic material. Featured on a TED talk in 2015, she became a quasi-ambassador for practical 3D printing in fashion. She is among a host of designers who jumped into the world of 3D printing. Many of who have looked into 3D printed shoes. Danit’s designs use the material FilaFlex and with a WitBox 2, she is able to create the fabric that she can glue together with superglue. FilaFlex is different than most PLA filaments used in home 3D printers and is capable of stretching and contracting.


The material is made by 3D printing material manufacturer Recreus who features some of Peleg’s designs on their homepage. FilaFlex is comprised of a thermoplastic elastomer with a polyurethane base. Someday we could maybe even see products on 3DShoes.com made with this material. It is similar to rubber in structure but adapted so 3D printers can melt and place the plastic. The only downside is it does not wash well in washing machines, so that would be something to keep in eye on with future fashion. Some designers use different methods such as industrial printers that can create products in one printed piece. As of now, Peleg is only working on her own home machine. However, she hopes to put her designs into an open source so people will be able to print her creations.


Original Article: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gv58mm/3d-printed-clothes-are-hitting-the-runways-and-maybe-your-closet


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