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HERON01 Running Shoe

Footwear company Zellerfeld has partnered with designer Heron Preston, to manufacture a unique sneaker line. Calling it the “HERON01,” this slip-on running shoe has a seamless, circular design with no stitching or adhesives, allowing it to be fully recycled at the end of its use. The sneakers materials can be reused endlessly, but only a small number of pairs are being sold via a StockX raffle, so only a chosen few will get to sample them. Zellerfeld uses 3D printing to develop experimental footwear with novel unibody designs, that can be customized to meet individual wearers’ needs.


CEO Cornelius Shmitt gained industrial engineering experience from studying at the Clausthal University of Technology. By adopting his approach, he says that upcoming designers can enter short-run production without having to pay upfront for molds, or outsourcing production. Zellerfeld also markets its technology as a greener alternative to conventional footwear production processes, with the defense that 3D printed shoes are created with software, not assembly lines. The HERON01 is modeled to look like its namesake in the natural world. The sneaker’s scale-like aesthetics are meant to mimic those of a Heron’s feet, while the sole features a claw-life design. It has been reported that a limited run of the sneakers will later be made available via Zellerfeld this month.


Original Article: https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/zellerfelds-recyclable-3d-printed-sneaker-to-reshape-footwear-for-the-better-197200/

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