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Nike's 3D Scanning

Nike has created an app that can use 3D scanning to recommend a shoe size for consumers. Nike Fit is a foot measuring software with the intention of choosing the correct shoe size. According to them, 60% of customers are walking around with the wrong shoe size. Last year Nike bought Invertex, a scanning and imaging technology developer. The company wants to use Invertex to deepen its digital talent and further its capabilities. After about a year Nike is promoting a foot scanning service. The Fit 3D scanning uses analytics, machine learning, and AI to recommend the size shoe you should wear. It can capture the form of a foot using 13 data points. It can find the size, volume, and shape of a foot with very good accuracy.


Once the shoe size is picked, the app provides information as to why it was chosen. The shoe size is then saved to the user’s profile to help with future purchases. Customers can even use QR codes in stores to find the best fit for their recommendations. For those in the US, the Fit scanner will be available in July, and August for European consumers. By using 3D printing product manufacturers have been able to provide customized solutions. 3D scanning is helping companies develop innovative solutions to old problems. An example would be Dr. Scholl’s 3D printed insoles by Wiivv that I have mentioned in the past. Both 3D scanning and 3D printing will really help the footwear industry as we move forward.


Original Article: https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/nike-develops-ar-shoe-size-recommendation-app-nike-fit-155620/


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