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Supply With 3D Printing

Being unable to correlate demand with supply has been a challenge for supply chains. Finding a balance is difficult, and suppliers turn to algorithms to figure out how much of their products will be needed at a certain time and place to meet a demand. To deal with this, suppliers have to produce large quantities in low-cost countries, ship and store them near their customers, and hope that demand projections are accurate. Imagine if they were able to produce on demand after the customer committed the buy the product? This can be made possible with additive manufacturing, which we know as 3D printing. Currently, we are making strides towards this possibility. Examples we have seen are Adidas and Carbon wishing on their new Futurecraft athletic shoes. Soon they will be introducing a shoe that will be a custom fit to each foot, as well as the customer’s weight, gait, and sport.


Each consumer’s foot will be scanned and then custom shoes will be created and delivered to their door. Because of 3D printing, there is no cost for complexity. Printing a 5-inch by 5-inch solid block of material will be more expensive than one with a highly complex design because it uses more material. This is why 3D printed shoes are such a good idea to help the footwear industry. The possibilities for additive manufacturing are both exciting and almost endless. There is also the fact that less waste is created, which is better for the environment. The point is that 3D printing will help companies create the right amount of product needed, without projecting too much or too little. 3DShoes.com also understands the fact that is cuts both time and costs for production.


Original Article: https://www.sdcexec.com/software-technology/article/12380831/3d-printing-the-next-great-supply-chain-tool


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