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Thrive Custom Orthoses

Thrive Orthopedics debuted it's very own 3D printed orthoses called the Balance 3D+ Brace. The brace helps reduce postural sway and increases postural stability. These orthotics line the sole of one’s foot, while also bracing the heel and calf for additional support. Thrive 3D, a 3D scanning and design app, allows users to customize their orthoses. The app will become available alongside the brace in March of this year. Thrive will also be introducing a 3D printed, articulating AFO for patients with adult acquired flatfoot along with an articulating AFO for patients that need additional off-loading. The brace is further notable for its carbon fiber design. Thrive selected a light, durable and flexible material with which to share its orthoses. The device is secured by a concealed strapping mechanism between and inner and outer wall. The mechanism is specifically designed to allow easy use for customers who may have dexterity issues.


All of Thrive’s products are printed using HP’s MJF 4200 with nylon 12 material. All designs are reviewed and certified by a licensed pedorthist before being printed. The material is a sturdy material with high tensile strength and the ability to flex without fracture. Thrive’s printing facility has built up experience printing high-performance parts for the US Military and has implemented extensive quality assurance protocols to ensure durability. Products like this not only help with 3D printed shoes but help improve them as well.


Original Article: https://www.3dprintingmedia.network/introducing-thrive-orthopedics-printing-custom-orthoses/

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