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Xesto Fit App

Online shopping in Canada practically doubles last year due to the pandemic. But one thing people seem to have trouble purchasing properly is shoes. Due to the pandemic, retailers are closed, and people have to buy shoes online. It’s a hassle for customers and stores, so a start-up company created an app called the Xesto Fit to help with this issue. The Xesto Fit app uses an iPhone’s true depth camera to accurately measure the size of your feet. You take photos from various angles and it calculates the proper size within one and a half millimeters. There is a database of 150 shoe brands it compares your foot to, and it can make a size recommendation.


The app is free for consumers and the company is working with shoe retailers to incorporate the app into their websites. The Xesto Fit app is already being downloaded and used around the world, to help people get the correct size of their feet and a comfortable pair of shoes. 3D printed shoes are all about trying to find the best-fitting footwear for consumers. Having an app like this will help out, especially while the pandemic is still going on.


Original Article: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/free-app-helps-people-find-the-perfect-sized-shoes-for-their-feet-1.5288502

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1 comment

  • A great App But needs to be more commercial

    Ray Blackman

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