Recently a man from Spain, Eric Meijer, has become a shoe designer who uses 3D printing for his creations. He claims the technology behind 3D printing has really helped his ideas come to life. His shoes are more than just some simply styled models.
They are very high end and sleek. Eric works with Rosanne Bergsma to help with turning his ideas into actual footwear. His inspiration began when he could see ideas in his mind that he couldn’t find anywhere on the market.
Meijer’s shoes combine materials like leather, stainless steel and polyamide. He even manages to incorporate features into his shoes like the Party Starter, which features a stainless steel bottle opener heel.
It also has ventilation incorporated to prevent sweaty feet without having to show open toe. Ideas like this could be someday incorporated into the models we find on 3DShoes.
Very similar design is found in another pair of his shoes called Mixed Emotions. The difference is that the toe is more of a point, and the shape of the heel isn’t a bottle opener. It has interchangeable inserts to make the shoe go well with several different occasions.
Eric Meijer has the belief that with 3D printing shoes will have a wider range of products available and the ways that we relate to them will vary. The design input is very important when it comes to the 3D technology revolution.
Even with 3D printing, ugly shoes are still ugly shoes. Having a possibility of customizing our own shoes, we will no longer have to stick to plain old styles. We can start to see fashionable and unique shoes like those featured on
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