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Philippe Holthuizen's 3D Shoes

Seven months of product design could prove to be a challenge for most people to build a single feature. A product designer, Philippe Holthuizen was able to disrupt the footwear industry with 3D printed men’s shoes within that time frame. Philippe was able to accomplish a lot in his design and development from styles to texture thanks to his 3D CAD skills and background in shoe design. His goal is the same as most 3D print product designers, which is to become part of the disruption wave. He hopes to share the materials and processes he uses, to help other designers and eventually push the industry to the tipping point. Philippe Holthuizen and his company FUSED Footwear has some really cool men’s shoes going on.


There is a lot of stuff going on in fashion, but we see more for women than we do for men. Philippe is looking towards men’s shoes and is good at making made-to-order 3D printed custom shoes. Conventional shoes are made of many pieces and parts, but these 3D printed shoes are made in one piece. The qualities of the designs and look or the materials are nothing less than impressive. Holthuizen is someone who started designing for 3D printed shoes months ago, and his progress is so much that he is on the verge of a whole business on it. Not only does he have a website, but he has shopping and ways to order it. This Dutch designer is going to disrupt the industry, and help shape the future of 3D footwear.


Original Article: https://3dstartpoint.com/design-challenge-accepted-3d-printed-mens-shoes-with-philippe-holthuizen-from-fused-footwear/


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