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Sintratec Shoe Design Content of 2022


At the beginning of this year, we launched the Sintratec Shoe Design Contest. After receiving an overwhelming amount of creative and original footwear designs, we would now like to present our 3 winners.





Our first winning design was hand sculpted in virtual reality by Cullan, also known as See Kay. His so-called “Studio Mule” surely is a sight to behold, with its shape resembling one continuous cord. 3D printed with our TPE material, it convinced us not only with its unique looks but also because it is in fact wearable and quite comfortable when it comes to walking in it. So, well done Cullan! 



Our second winner was designed by René. His “Tripstar” slipper makes great use of the benefits that the selective laser sintering process offers. Namely, an open, star-shaped design and varying wall thicknesses to provide rigidity or flexibility respectively to certain parts. The resulting single-material shoe is easy to wear, quite functional with an adjustable closure, and also looks great in our opinion. Congrats René – and thanks for including our logo!




And our third winning footwear was created by Kedar. His “human shoe” concept sneaker caught our attention with its very detailed mesh structure and intriguing organic aesthetics. Because of its very delicate geometry, it was only printable to a certain degree, and turned out too small to be worn. Nonetheless, we were simply fascinated by its appearance and design overall. So, great job Kedar!



Since we received so many excellent submissions, we picked 3 additional designs as honourable mentions, which we also decided to 3D print and send to the participants. And we certainly don’t want to withhold these from you either.



Our first honourable mention was also created in virtual reality, this time by Carlos. This futuristic looking shoe comes with a breathable upper and a rather special, curled sole. All in all, a pretty unique design, albeit not optimised for 3D printing which is why the sole turned out too massive to be functional. Still, a neat idea Carlos!



Second up, we have the so-called “Cell runner” by Kledis. This bionic inspired design consists of a low-poly-esque surface and a generatively created sole. Unfortunately, the opening for the foot turned out too rigid, so we could not walk in it. However, it is quite the sight – so well done, Kledis.



And last but not least we want to showcase Dave’s “Gyroid shoe”. As the name suggests, this fluid-looking design features three different orientations of gyroids that are incorporated into the upper, midsole and outsole. A bit fray on certain parts and not that easy to clean – apart from that, beautiful work, Dave!


SOURCE: https://sintratec.com/2022/03/shoe-design-contest-2022-winners/

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