The Footwear Polytechnic of Rivera del Brenta is getting ahead with its recent partnership with 3D printer manufacturer German RepRap. The collaboration saw the launch of the Polytechnic’s FFLab, a digital laboratory that specializes in new 3D scanning and 3D printing technology. Things have done nothing but get better with for the institute, who is determined to combine Italian shoemaking with the technology of the future. Innovations can take hold through the success of their FFLab. The Laboratory is dedicated to offering Italian and international companies plenty of opportunities for product development. One method they use is designing footwear components in digital format using 3D CAD technology, then 3D printing the prototype on their German RepRap x400 PRO V3.
Another method of the institute uses reverse engineering. Using Geomagic Capture 3D scanners by 3D Systems, the physical model of a CAD file can be edited as needed and then 3D printed accordingly. The Rhinoceros and Geomagic wrap is the software that the laboratory prefers. According to representatives, the technologies have allowed the Polytechnic school to meet demands and needs of companies working with them. So far the investment has without a doubt paid off. The possibility of 3D printed shoes allows for shorter production time and more reasonable costs. Which is why will continue our interest in the industry. The institute will have the pleasure of hosting the School of Design and Technique of Footwear and Leather, which helps many individuals and companies get into educational projects.
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