Growing up some of us experienced the Back to the Future movies. Some of us may have even seen all three. Well for those fanatics who thought the futuristic self-lacing shoes were amazing, you’ll be blown away to know they are now a reality! The shoes use electro-adaptive reactive laces, or EARL, to function the way they did in the movie. With digital sensors throughout the shoe it can adapt to any wearer with the upmost level of comfort. There are also bottoms on the sides of the show to help consumers manually tighten or loosen them.
We are seeing customized midsoles becoming very common, thanks to smart technology and 3D printing. Technology is causing the trend of footwear to grow, especially innovations like 3D printing and self-lacing shoes. It is estimated that the market for wearables will reach $5 billion by the year 2020. For all we know we could see combinations of this technology. Self-lacing shoes combined with 3D Shoes made by, Nike, New Balance, Under Armour, etc. The possibilities in the future could be endless.
Consumer demand for wearable technology is growing, along with the option for customizable options. At the moment shoes are mostly produced as multiple parts, using molds and hydraulic presses, and then assembled together. But this method assumes that every foot is the same exact way. Consumers think that 3D printing is the answer to customized footwear. As of now 3D printing is cumbersome because the technology is new. But thanks to companies like 3DShoes we can keep an eye on how it evolves. Insoles are the only thing being made right now, but someday the shoes will be able to be completely 3D printed and sent right to our homes.
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