Zubits magnetic lacing solution is the fastest and easiest way to get in and out of shoes. Just lace our powerful magnets onto your own shoes and never tie laces again. Help us develop all new Gold and Chrome Zubits® and bring some bling to your shoes. (patented)

- No more tying, knots, double knots, or laces coming undone.
- Slip into wide open shoes as if there were no laces at all.
- Close with a simple magnetic click.
- Remove your shoes hands-free.
- No more ugly messy bows. Just a clean looking shoe.
- Shiny Gold & Chrome add bling to your kicks.
- Magnetically pair up your shoes and organize them in new places.
- Without laces, your shoes double as easy slippers.

Give Zubits a try – Zubits closures have thousands of positive reviews from all sorts of people!

Amazing Strength – Zubits high-tech magnets are incredibly strong. Really, you won’t believe it. They can hold up to 17lbs of force and stay secure for running, parkour, going to the gym, or playing recreational sports. Thanks to Bay Area Movement for the parkour (bamvmnt.com)!

Fast, simple, magnetic closing – Just pull the magnets together and close with a click.

Wide open shoes – Easily slip into wide open shoes. No more squeezing or reversing laces to get in.

Pop out hands-free – Firmly step on your opposite heel and lift ankle to pop out hands-free.

Re-use on new shoes – Buy one pair of Zubits and re-use them on all your new pairs of shoes. The magnets never lose their strength.

A clean looking shoe – Lose the floppy bows and get a clean looking shoe. Plus, keep the laces that were designed for your shoes.

Shoes become slippers – With a wide open shoe and no laces dragging on the ground, many people use Zubits closures just like slippers for short use like getting the mail or walking around the campsite.

3 Sizes – After the campaign ends, you will be sent a survey asking you to choose your preferred size and color for each pair of Zubits closures you purchased. The survey will explain the size choices thoroughly to help you decide. Larger sizes hold more secure but are harder to split open. Smaller sizes are easier for kids to open yet strong enough for play and running.

Bling, style, flair – Add some serious bling to your kicks. Clean up those floppy laces. And of course, make your sneakers easier.

Active & athletic use – Zubits closures are incredibly strong. They keep up with your various athletic needs.

A clean look, no messy bows – Get a clean looking shoe without a floppy bow. Now more than ever, Zubits closures give you style.

Many Uses – Magnets do many things… helping those with special needs, organizing shoes, making shoes easier for kids, making lots of activities easier!

SUPPORT THEIR CAMPAIGN: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ryw/zubits-magnetic-lacing-metallics-never-tie-laces-again