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From Landfill To Runway: How 3D-Printed Compostable Shoes Are Reshaping The Fashion Industry

3d printed compostable

On-demand, custom fashion could keep shoes out of our landfills.


Can you believe it? Pretty soon, there will be a shoe on the market that resembles a cross between a Croc and a sock—and it will cost hundreds of dollars. Turned off? Quite strange. Imagine instead if that shoe had the power to address global sustainability issues head-on. Things are altered in a way by that. According to The Guardian, the footwear in question is the product of a partnership between the material science company Balena and the London-based shoe business Vivobarefoot.


Shoes will be custom-made for customers once they have their feet 3D-scanned in-store and left for 30 hours. These kicks feature BioCir flex, a proprietary thermoplastic composed of 51% biomaterial and 49% petroleum. By customizing shoe printing to each customer's measurements, we can say goodbye to surplus inventory and unnecessary waste.

The shoes are now in the prototype stage and cannot be purchased, but they are expected to cost between $254 and $330 in the future. Exorbitant pricing Although it may appear exorbitant for an ethically dubious clothing option, the cost of disregarding our recycling issues is much greater. 

The fashion business necessitates vast quantities of land and water and is responsible for approximately 10% of the world's carbon emissions. The majority of shoes are crafted from materials that are difficult to dispose of, such as rubber, plastic, metal, and glue, which causes them to accumulate in landfills.


Even though these 3D-printed shoes still shouldn't be thrown in the compost with your produce, they may be recycled and transformed into a harmless material by sending them to a commercial composting facility. 

Plus, you might as well get accustomed to the style; these wild shoes are part of an expanding movement to create eco-friendly footwear from a variety of sources, including sugarcane, cacti, bananas, and mushrooms.

by Sara Friedman

Source: https://thehustle.co/3d-printed-compostable-shoes-are-a-step-toward-sustainability/



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